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Hot Stones Massage

Hot Stones Massage

Hot Stones therapy; origins can be traced back to over 2,000 years ago, when the Chinese used heated stones as a means of improving the function of internal organs. To this day hot stones have been found to be very beneficial to the body with its array of healing affects. Many of my clients have found my hot stones treatment provided a noticeable positive healing effect on their body and mind, feeling relaxed and renewed. 

To start your treatment a consultation will be given to tailor your treatment specifically for your needs. I will then ask you to undress according to the treatment (lower underwear must be worn), and then to lie on the massage bed under the towel, during this time I will leave the therapy room. I will then return to carry out your treatment. To start the treatment you will be given some light stretching/posture adjustments to the arms and legs, followed by hot stone placement (indirectly) under and on top of the body. I will then move onto massaging the body, using similar movements to Swedish massage whilst holding onto the smooth/flat volcanic rock hot stones.


Your hot stone massage treatment primary goal is to relax the muscles, allowing a firmer pressure to be used to release areas of tension/knots without causing any discomfort. 


Some other benefits of Hot Stone massage include;


·         Promote deep relaxation

·         Relieving muscle tension, stiffness and chronic pain/pain.

·         Reducing stress and anxiety

·         Promoting sleep

·         Increasing circulation and metabolism

·         May help to relieve the symptoms of autoimmune dieses

·         May help decrease cancer symptoms.


Please note the following would prevent having this treatment; 

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Please Note...

The following would prevent having this treatment; Inflammations/swellings, Contagious skin diseases, heart disorder/disease, pace-maker, recent scar tissue, deep vein thrombosis, dysfunction of the nervous system, undergoing medical treatment (unless advised by health professional) and medication causing thinning/inflammation.

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